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General Update
Although pennant has halted for Christmas break there is still a lot going on.
The final of the mixed pairs was played and the winners are Brendan Farley and Sue Hamilton. Runner up James and Robyn Purcell.
Presidents' Charity day on Jan 1st, 32 players played pairs, winners Jim Lowe and Wendy Arnold Runners up Colin Dempsey and Don Spalding, over $200 was raised for the Warrnambool Cancer Centre
Thursday and Sunday Social events are popular with many visitors competing
Men and Women handicap singles day 1 is on Saturday 11 Jan commencing at 12.30. We need markers for this event, please let me know if you can be there at 12.30 to help out.
Barefoot Bowls starts on Wednesday 8, we have a full field but if you can help with running the event, cooking, bar, or anything in general see Hillary.
Friday Happy hour and meals are gaining in popularity . Members draw this week is $110.00
Wednesday 8 Barefoot Bowls
Thursday 9 Social Bowls
Saturday 11 Handicap Singles Championship
Sunday 12 Social Scroungers
Wednesday 15 Barefoot Bowls
Thursday 16 Social Bowls
Sunday 19 Social Scroungers
* You know you’re getting older when you have a party and the neighbours don’t realize it
Monthly Fours
This event is held on the first Thursday of every month from October to March.
26 teams had an enjoyable start to the Monthly Fours season in perfect conditions.
Winners - Trevor Bolden - 4 games +30 shots
Runner Up - Geoff Bedggood - 4 games + 20 shots
Morning Winners - David Wells
Afternoon Winners - Paul Howard
24 teams competed and the winners were Geoff Bedggood's team with 4 wins and +18 shots.
Runner-up was Graeme Jessen's team.
Morning winners were Trevor Bolden's team.
Afternoon winners were Ian Robinson's Team
22 teams competed in perfect weather conditions.
Winners were Bruce Collie, Ray Cooknell, John Maher and Colin Davey with 4 wins.
Runners up were Neil Crispe, Trevor Bolden, Alan Sullivan and Peter Kampman with 3 wins +35 shots.
Morning winners were James Smith's team.
Afternoon winners were Bob Mallett's team.
22 teams competed in perfect weather conditions.
Winners were Ian Robinson's team with 3 wins and a draw.
Runners up were Frank Raymond's team with 3 wins +24 shots.
Morning winner was David Wells team.
Afternoon winner was Peter Wooles team.
24 teams competed this month with the local team of John Gleeson, Don Jasper, Les Dalton and Tony Hutchinson being successful as 4 game winners and 8 shots up.
Runners up were Geoff Bedggood, Jim Trigg, Gary Duro and Peter Rowe.
Scheduled for March 6
Please contact the club if you wish to enter a team.